City: Ashburn
Postcode: 20149
Area: Virginia (US-VA)
Country: 🇺🇸 United States of America (US)
Continent: North America (NA)
Location: 39.0469, -77.4903
Tor: False
Public Proxy: False
Crawler: False
Possible Threat: False
Timezone: America/New_York
GMT Offset: -18000 sec
Daylight Saving: False
Abbreviation: EST
Languages: en: English language
es: Spanish language
haw: Hawaiian language
fr: French language
Currency: United States dollar (USD)
Phone code: 1
Asn: AMAZON-AES (14618)
in EU: False

Locate your visitors by IP address

Get rich information about your visitors and customize their experience.

IPv4 and IPv6 support

Results are delivered in JSON or XML format

256-bit SSL encryption is used to secure your data

Fast response

Trusted by thousands customers

9.8/10 on RapidAPI

No credit card required

Explore our API data

We work with multiple data sources to provide you with a wide range of information to better understand your customers.

City data

Find out where your customers are coming from.

"postcode": "20149",
"city": {
  "name": "Ashburn",
  "geonameid": "4744870",
  "population": 43511
"location": {
  "latitude": 39.0469,
  "longitude": -77.4903
"area": {
  "code": "US-VA",
  "name": "Virginia",
  "geonameid": "6254928"

Country data

Customize your application based on your users' country.

"country": {
  "code": "US",
  "name": "United States of America",
  "geonameid": "6252001",
  "phone_code": "1",
  "area_size": "9629091.00 sq. km",
  "capital": "Washington",
  "population": 327167434,
  "is_in_eu": False
  "flag": {
    "emoji": "🇺🇸",
    "unicode": "U+1F1FA U+1F1F8"

Security data

Check if your visitors appeared in any security blacklists and could be a threat to your business.

"security": {
  "is_tor": False,
  "is_proxy": False,
  "is_threat": False,
  "is_crawler": False

Currency data

Find out the preferded currency of your visitors and display prices in their preferred currency.

"currency": {
  "code": "USD",
  "name": "United States dollar"

Time Zone data

Retrieve the timezone of your visitors to customize your offers and promotions.

"time": {
  "timezone": "America/New_York",
  "gmt_offset": -18000,
  "is_daylight_saving": False,
  "code": "EST",

ASN data

Access information about the internet provider of your users.

"asn": {
  "organisation": "AMAZON-AES",
  "number": 14618

IPv4 and IPv6

Access location and security data whether you have an IPv4 or IPv6 address.


Scalable infrastructure with 99.99% up time.


256-bit SSL encryption to ensure your data is trasmitted safely.


Our average response time is 66ms.

Quick and easy to start

Try some of our code examples

Python PHP JavaScript Curl

Get location by IP address


Get currency exhange rates